Tuesday, 2 October 2012

What are you dreaming about?

A couple of days ago I took some time to write down my dreams. I had been watching a DVD that was teaching on how God wants us to fulfil our dreams. I have to confess that slightly stretches my understanding of God's plan for our lives, which I have always taken to be rather serious, with not a lot of fun thrown in. This understanding of God rather reflects my own personality, I can be rather functional and serious about things! So, I'm in the process of trying to figure out more of God's personality. I keep being surprised by phrases like "He will take great delight in you". As a mother, I know what it is to really delight in my child, and it, has so much positive emotion in it. We are to "Be joyful always", surely that shouldn't always be serious! I have read these verses many times before but through my rather serious mindset, and I somehow dismissed the emotion that goes with them. I find it much easier to latch onto words like 'sacrifice' and 'die to self'. They're all in Scripture, so I must continue my exploration of understanding who God is. He is much more beyond my understanding than I can comprehend, phew for that!

Anyway, the challenge was to write down 100 dreams, so I thought I would give it a go. I put aside my concerns that my dreams might not be from God, thinking that He would help me fulfil the ones He had in mind for me, and started writing. "Are these in order of importance?" the Vicar asked later (No.3 - to have a flat stomach. No. 5 - to see my children really loving God) "Er, no, they're just coming as they are coming".

Quickly I realised that I was going to struggle to find 100 dreams, I was chewing my pencil end after number 13! Perhaps this stage of my life has done this for me, so responsible for others, my life fitted around their's to the point there is not much time to dream just for me. I'm ok with that, it is the time of life. But the Lord says "without a vision the people perish", so it is wise to try to keep dreaming. I'm currently up to 25 dreams written down. I love the fact that I have to have a good old ponder and find a few more, to search my depths and discover more of who I am. There is something about the act of writing them down that brings them to life, and makes me take them more seriously (there I go again, so serious! Nb. dream No. 18 is to laugh a lot!). Mainly, its up to me to get on and do them. Lots of them are attainable if I put my head to it, some of them easily so (No. 8 - to walk regularly in the forest), others will take a bit more work (No. 9 - to run a half marathon), some will require a bit more God intervention (No. 2 - to be able to sing again. I love to worship, but woe be tide the person standing next to me. My voice packed up after my third pregnancy, can't even lead the playgroup singing any more, and I used to sing in a worship band years ago, honestly, its embarrassing!). I have no dreams about owning a big house (I'm blessed to live in one already though!) or cottages by the sea (I have a caravan, and can't imagine being happier in anything else, I get to change the view, sooo cool! I really love my caravan!). I don't dream about owning more material stuff, although I do have a few dreams about getting rid of stacks of clutter (although if I'm honest I would love a big blackboard for my kitchen, and my Christmas list is carefully taking shape, so I'm definitely not without my material desires, h'mm, actually No. 26 - huge blackboard for the kitchen, No. 27 - some Cath Kidston tea spoons, soo cute!). Lots of my dreams are to do with the dearest people in my life, the Vicar and my children, to be really unified and connected. I love that. I love them. I dream about knowing God more, and being a better friend. Some are about what I feel God has called me to, to connect the church with the community, I need to keep dreaming about those, because my time is coming.

My dreams reflect a lot of who I am, my values and priorities. Writing them down and has made me remember them, and reminded me to seize the day ( I went for a run this morning, you won't have seen me, I only go when there is no one around!). I still have 73 dreams to think about, so I'm going to take a lovely hot bath ( the best place to dream I find, and the Vicar often hears from God in the bath, something about being still me thinks), humbly offer my dreaming to God and have a good old dream. I want a few more impossible dreams, because nothing is impossible with God, and a few more fun ones, just for, well, fun! And you, what are you dreaming about?

Thanks for reading!

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  1. Lovely post! I've been having similar thoughts recently but I'm trying to learn to appreciate what I have now instead of constantly looking to achieve the next goal. This post was interesting: http://zenhabits.net/wait/

    If I'm being honest though I think I'll always need dreams and goals - you've inspired me to write my own list.

    Take care


    1. Thanks Reena. I have checked out the website and been inspired. I also love the website 'Be More With Less'. I love the whole simplicity thing, and am definitely on a journey with it all.

      I heard a Christian preacher recently talk about being both content and discontent at the same time as one of the challenges of the Christian life. It's an interesting balance!

      thanks for reading and for your comments!

  2. Just read this latest post. (a bit late I know). But this is a wonderfully 'pure' post! Please keep em coming! i love the way you refer to "the vicar" Lol! :-) Thank you xx

    1. thanks for your encouragement! Will try to keep 'em coming!


  3. How do I sign up to receive them by email Caroline?

    Henrietta (Cozens) x

  4. Hi Henrietta, lovely to hear from you. I love seeing your pictures on FB!
    On the right hand bar you can enter your email address and submit. Not sure what happens after that, but hopefully it will be obvious!

    Best wishes

  5. Hey Caroline!! Happy New Year 2014 to you and your beautiful family. What a privilege to be able to share your thoughts. Very thought provoking too... and funny bec. i never considered you as serious as you describe yourself to be. Keep a hold of the 73 dreams :-) and know that God is holding them in the palm of His hand too. So encouraging to see how you push on.

    I wish you enlightened moments in your time with God and great revelations about His goodness in your life.

    With love,
